Catégorie : Adverbes et adjectifs

Adjectifs ou adverbes ?

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Adjectif ou adverbe ? Classez les mots en gras par catégories:

  1. I really don’t care.  → 
  2. She was wearing a beautiful dress.  → 
  3. Watch out, the box is heavy!  → 
  4. Sam is an extremely good dancer. → 
  5. His room was clean. → 
  6. Please walk across the street.  → 
  7. Go to bed now.  → 
  8. This grammar lesson is boring. → 
  9. I will go home immediately.  → 
  10. Paul drives a big car. → 
  11. That’s a huge plastic box. → 
  12. Paul is always on time. → 
  13. She sings well.  → 
  14. I feel tired. → 
  15. I met a homeless person in London. → 
  16. This cake is surprisingly good.  → 
  17. He ran quickly. → 
  18. This vegetable is not edible. → 
  19. Tina was very sleepy.  → 
  20. He saw the door was open. → 

  1. really → adverbe
  2. beautiful → adjectif
  3. heavy → adjectif
  4. extremely → adverbe
  5. clean → adjectif
  6. across → adverbe
  7. now → adverbe
  8. boring → adjectif
  9. immediately → adverbe
  10. big → adjectif
  11. huge → adjectif
  12. always → adverbe
  13. well → adverbe
  14. tired → adjectif
  15. homeless → adjectif
  16. surprisingly → adverbe
  17. quickly → adverbe
  18. edible → adjectif
  19. very → adverbe
  20. open → adjectif

Exercice adjectifs composes anglais

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Complétez les phrases suivantes en utilisant des adjectifs composés:

Exemple: A girl with long hair is a long-haired girl.

  1.  A sad story which breaks your heart is
  2.  A country which produces tobacco is a 
  3.  A boat that looks expensive is an 
  4.  If a story seems never to end, it’s a 
  5.  If a man uses his right hand only, you say he is 
  6.  A baby that his mother feeds well is  
  7.  Pizzas that are made at home are
  8.  A girl who has long legs is
  9.  Someone who has good manners is 
  10.  If someone breaks your heart, you feel 
  11. A scary story that rises your hair is 
  12. Fruits which are dried under the sun are 
  13. A room with a lot of bright light is a 
  14. A boy who looks good is a 
  15. A musician who taught himself how to play music is a 

  1. heart-breaking
  2. a tobacco-producing country
  3. an expensive-looking boat
  4. a never-ending story
  5. right-handed
  6. well-fed
  7. home-made
  8. long-legged
  9. well-mannered
  10. heart-broken
  11. hair-rising
  12. sun-dried
  13. brightly-lit room
  14. good-looking boy
  15. self-taught musician

Adjectif ou adverbe ? (5/5)

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Ecrivez les adjectifs ou adverbes entre parenthèses à la forme qui convient: 

Exemple:  She works slow/slowly. → She works slowly.

  1. That’s the  solution to this problem.
  2. The attack affected tourism.
  3. They spoke  about the company’s future.
  4. Where can I get a  Japanese meal?
  5. Kevin jumped over the gate .
  6. He tried to stay .
  7. It is six o’clock.
  8. Her English isn’t perfect yet, but it’s good.
  9. I’m  answering all of my emails.
  10. He could move.
  11. This restaurant is
  12. Daniel likes wearing clothes.
  13. I waited in the car.
  14. He gave us an look as we drove past.
  15. I’ve been having a lot of headaches  .
  16. He can play the violin .
  17. Mr. Smith  donated $2,000 to the fundation.
  18. If you speak , I can understand.
  19. The sky became surprisingly .
  20. He is a  cook.

  1. logical
  2. hardly
  3. optimistically
  4. typical
  5. easily
  6. quiet
  7. nearly
  8. pretty
  9. gradually
  10. hardly
  11. reasonably cheap
  12. colourful
  13. nervously
  14. unfriendly
  15. lately
  16. extremely well
  17. generously
  18. slowly
  19. dark
  20. terrible

Adjectif ou adverbe ? (4/4)

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Ecrivez les adjectifs ou adverbes entre parenthèses à la forme qui convient: 

Exemple:  She works slow/slowly. → She works slowly.

  1. The children looked  before crossing the street.
  2. That was a  answer.
  3. He  ran out of money.
  4. I’ve only time for a  visit.
  5. You look . Didn’t you sleep well?
  6. Emily speaks  French.
  7. They lived  ever after .
  8. You sound pretty  today.
  9. I speak English .
  10. Her English is .
  11. The time passed .
  12. We were all  dressed.
  13. When Matthew applied for a new job, he got an  answer.
  14. Our strategy is simple. And  effective.
  15. She is a  cook.
  16. Alice was  hurt in a car accident.
  17. That new TV must be  expensive.
  18. We’re  grateful for all your help.
  19. He asked a  question.
  20. They replied  to all of my inquiries.

  1. carefully
  2. clever
  3. quickly
  4. quick
  5. tired
  6. prefectly
  7. happily
  8. happy
  9. well
  10. good
  11. slowly
  12. warmly
  13. immediate
  14. amazingly
  15. wonderful
  16. seriously
  17. terribly
  18. enormously
  19. direct
  20. politely

a an the ou rien

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Choisissez entre a, an, the ou ne rien mettre:

  1. There’s  extremely large dog in the garden!
  2. She’s just got  university degree.
  3. Have you fed  cats?
  4. See you on   Friday.
  5. Who invented  internet?
  6. I am  oldest in my class.
  7. My father is   honest person.
  8. We went to  same University.
  9. My sister is going out with  German boy.
  10. Have you got  sisters?
  11. Our cousin lives in  Philippines.
  12. Don’t be late for   school.
  13. Tina is  interesting girl.
  14. I first met her  year ago.
  15. Paul never leaves home without  umbrella.
  16.  sun shines the morning.
  17. I learnt Spanish at  school.
  18. Korean is  difficult language to learn.
  19. I like  video games.
  20. His car does 150 miles  hour.

  1. an 
  2. the
  3. the 
  4. the
  5. an 
  6. the
  7. the
  8. an
  9. a
  10. an
  11. The
  12. a
  13. an

Exercice adjectif anglais

Exercice sur le superlatif et le comparatif en anglais

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Mettez la forme correcte de chaque adjectif (affirmatif, comparatif ou superlatif):

  1. This house is (high)  than the garage.
  2. That’s the (good)   song this singer has made so far.
  3. The trip is almost as (long)  by car as it is by train.
  4. My dog is the (clever)  dog of all.
  5. She is (happy)  with her new car than with her old one.
  6. Some of the (intelligent)  people have studied at this university.
  7. You are as (funny)  as a clown.
  8. To me there isn’t a (pleasant)  pastime than a walk along the beach.
  9. He is not as (rich)  as everyone believes him to be.
  10. That was the (big)  burger I have ever eaten.


  1. higher
  2. best
  3. as long
  4. cleverest
  5. happier
  6. most intelligent
  7. as funny
  8. more pleasant
  9. as rich
  10. biggest

Adjectif ou adverbe ? (3/4)

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Ecrivez les adjectifs ou adverbes entre parenthèses à la forme qui convient: 

Exemple:  She works slow/slowly. → She works slowly.

  1. She is a very  person.
  2. Paul thanked Frank  for all his help.
  3. Actually, the dish tasted .
  4. The hospital was burnt down last year.
  5. She looked at me  when I told her the news.
  6. The house was in a  state.
  7. I don’t  agree with you.
  8. It was a  mess.
  9. The cold weather is .
  10. It’s  cold today.
  11. He sings .
  12. The cost of electricity is by around 10 % a year.
  13. She thinks Japanese is an   language.
  14. He should pass the test .
  15. He’s an guitar player.
  16. The tournament was  organised.
  17. The dog barks .
  18. The dog is .
  19. He is not rich, and spends money .
  20. Linda is a  girl.

  1. warm
  2. warmly
  3. wonderful
  4. tragically
  5. sadly
  6. sad
  7. fully
  8. complete
  9. awful
  10. awfully
  11. well
  12. increasing
  13. easy
  14. easily 
  15. excellent
  16. excellently 
  17. angrily
  18. angry
  19. carefully
  20. careful

Adjectif ou adverbe ? (2/4)

Adjectif ou adverbe ? Exercice anglais

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Complétez les phrases suivantes avec l’adjectif ou l’adverbe qui convient: 

Exemple:  She works slow/slowly. → She works slowly.

  1. He described his house to me.
  2. Anna speaks English .
  3. If anything goes , give me a call.
  4. The sun was shining .
  5. He talked about himself.
  6. He had an look on his face when he saw her.
  7. Why are you always so ?
  8. This place doesn’t look .
  9. I was a bit about meeting you.
  10. The policeman treated the vagrant very .
  11. The team played  yesterday.
  12. I know him .
  13. The manager was really .
  14. Sam is a  learner.
  15. This changed the situation.
  16. The party was  a success.
  17. She spoke  to him.
  18. Check your lesson .
  19. His performance was .
  20. They were  married.


  1. proudly
  2. fluently
  3. wrong 
  4. brightly
  5. mainly
  6. angry
  7. slow
  8. safe
  9. nervous
  10. hardly
  11. beautifully
  12. well
  13. really
  14. quick
  15. dramatically
  16. quite
  17. rudely
  18. carefully
  19. amazing
  20. recently

exercice anglais adverbes de fréquence

Exercice anglais adverbes de fréquence:

Où placer les adverbes de fréquence: always, never, hardly, often, rarely, sometimes et usually dans les phrases suivantes:

  1. We  to school by bike.
  2. Where do you  your winter holidays?
  3. We  each other.
  4. They  computers at work.
  5. He  home before 8 pm.
  6. They  friendly.
  7. The children  Disney movies.
  8. We  our bed.
  9. They  to the cinema.
  10. I have  crocodile meat.
  11. We  understand him.
  12. She  sport in the evening.
  13.  tea in the morning.
  14. My parents  strict.
  15. We  fishing at the river.
  16.  tired.
  17. She  his name.
  18. Paul doesn’t .
  19. She has  red wine.
  20.  my lunch at home.

  1. We always go to school by bike.
  2. Where do you usually spend your winter holidays?
  3. We hardly know each other.
  4. They sometimes use computers at work.
  5. He never gets home before 8 pm.
  6. They are always friendly.
  7. The children often watch Disney movies.
  8. We rarely make our bed.
  9. They often go to the cinema.
  10. I have never eaten crocodile meat.
  11. We could hardly understand him.
  12. She always does sport in the evening.
  13. usually drink tea in the morning.
  14. My parents are rarely strict.
  15. We sometimes go fishing at the river.
  16. I am often tired.
  17. She can never remember his name.
  18. Paul doesn’t usually smoke.
  19. She has never tried red wine.
  20. I always have my lunch at home.

Exercice anglais adjectifs

Remplissez les cases avec les adjectifs suivants:

fancy handsome lazy grumpy delightful shallow faithful
hissing itchy clumsy inexpensive greasy nutritious filthy
  1.  That’s a  meal.
  2. The sound made by snake is a .  
  3. We enjoyed a  dinner.
  4. He was a  friend.
  5. I felt so  when I dropped my glass.
  6. I can’t sleep on that  matress, it’s disgusting!
  7. He gets  when he doesn’t drink his coffee in the morning.
  8. You look very  with that new hat!
  9. It was a very  party, everybody was well dressed and had expensive cars.
  10. Hay fever gives you a runny nose and eyes.
  11. The chips were very .
  12. I was too  to learn how to speak spanish.
  13. The price of hotels in Thailand is relatively .  
  14. The water here is frsh and .

  1. nutritious
  2. hissing
  3. delightful
  4. faithful
  5. clumsy
  6. filthy
  7. grumpy
  8. handsome
  9. fancy
  10. itchy
  11. greasy
  12. lazy
  13. inexpensive
  14. shallow