Catégorie : Adverbes et adjectifs

Adjectif ou adverbe ? (1/4)

Adjectif ou adverbe ? Exercice anglais

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Complétez les phrases suivantes avec l’adjectif ou l’adverbe qui convient:

Exemple:  She works slow/slowly. → She works slowly.

  1. Our new boss is very  paid.
  2. The students sat  in the classroom.
  3. The bar was so  that they couldn’t hear each other talk.
  4. His third album is by far his most .
  5. Everything had been  planned. 
  6. Incidents like this are  rare in our country.
  7. How are you today? Quite .
  8. The weather changed suddenly and turned .
  9. You need a change of diet.
  10. Oliver is a worker. He takes a vacation.
  11. I felt  relieved to receive this email.
  12. She answered  to the teacher.
  13. Could you please shut the door ?
  14. He accepted the invitation .
  15. Sam spoke  to the crowd.
  16. Tina felt after she lied to her friend.
  17. It started to rain .
  18. Is she  ill?
  19. The food here is .
  20. The old library was destroyed in the fire.

  1. highly
  2. silently 
  3. loud
  4. interesting
  5. carefully
  6. extremely 
  7. good
  8. cold
  9. complete
  10. hard / hardly
  11. greatly
  12. cleverly
  13. quietly
  14. thankfully
  15. confidently
  16. miserable
  17. heavily
  18. seriously
  19. extremely good
  20. totally

Adjectifs anglais exercices – les adjectifs (1/2)

Adjectifs anglais: exercices

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Complétez le tableau suivant:

comparatif superlatif
Exemple: angry angrier angriest

comparatif superlatif
Exemple: angry angrier angriest
big bigger biggest
close closer closest
dry drier driest
early earlier earliest
great greater greatest
hard harder hardest
juicy juicier juiciest
new newer newest
quick quicker quickest
sunny sunnier sunniest

Adverbe anglais – Exercices

Adverbe anglais – Exercices

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Construisez des adverbes avec les adjectifs suivants (attention, il y a des pièges !)

Exemple: slow → slowly

  1. cheap →  
  2. serious →  
  3. incredible →  
  4. quiet →  
  5. sad →  
  6. fast →  
  7. easy →  
  8. wild →  
  9. quick →  
  10. happy →  
  11. calm →  
  12. good →  
  13. perfect →  
  14. happy →  
  15. lucky →  
  16. probable →  
  17. sudden →  
  18. terrible →  
  19. gentle →  
  20. basic →  

  1. cheap → cheaply
  2. serious → seriously
  3. incredible → incredibly
  4. quiet → quietly
  5. sad → sadly
  6. fast → fast
  7. easy → easily
  8. wild → wildly
  9. quick → quickly
  10. happy → happily
  11. calm → calmly
  12. good → well
  13. perfect → perfectly
  14. happy → happily
  15. lucky → luckily
  16. probable → probably
  17. sudden → suddenly
  18. terrible → terribly
  19. gentle → gently
  20. basic → basically