Adjectif ou adverbe ?

Adjectif ou adverbe ?

Exercice d’anglais à faire en ligne, avec son corrigé.

Ecrivez les adjectifs ou adverbes entre parenthèses à la forme qui convient: 

Exemple:  She works slow/slowly. → She works slowly.

  1. She is a very  person.
  2. Paul thanked Frank  for all his help.
  3. Actually, the dish tasted .
  4. The hospital was burnt down last year.
  5. She looked at me  when I told her the news.
  6. The house was in a  state.
  7. I don’t  agree with you.
  8. It was a  mess.
  9. The cold weather is .
  10. It’s  cold today.
  11. He sings .
  12. The cost of electricity is by around 10 % a year.
  13. She thinks Japanese is an   language.
  14. He should pass the test .
  15. He’s an guitar player.
  16. The tournament was  organised.
  17. The dog barks .
  18. The dog is .
  19. He is not rich, and spends money .
  20. Linda is a  girl.

  1. warm
  2. warmly
  3. wonderful
  4. tragically
  5. sadly
  6. sad
  7. fully
  8. complete
  9. awful
  10. awfully
  11. well
  12. increasing
  13. easy
  14. easily 
  15. excellent
  16. excellently 
  17. angrily
  18. angry
  19. carefully
  20. careful

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