Exercice anglais adjectifs

Exercice anglais adjectifs

Exercice d’anglais à faire en ligne, avec son corrigé.

Remplissez les cases avec les adjectifs suivants:

fancy handsome lazy grumpy delightful shallow faithful
hissing itchy clumsy inexpensive greasy nutritious filthy
  1.  That’s a  meal.
  2. The sound made by snake is a .  
  3. We enjoyed a  dinner.
  4. He was a  friend.
  5. I felt so  when I dropped my glass.
  6. I can’t sleep on that  matress, it’s disgusting!
  7. He gets  when he doesn’t drink his coffee in the morning.
  8. You look very  with that new hat!
  9. It was a very  party, everybody was well dressed and had expensive cars.
  10. Hay fever gives you a runny nose and eyes.
  11. The chips were very .
  12. I was too  to learn how to speak spanish.
  13. The price of hotels in Thailand is relatively .  
  14. The water here is frsh and .

  1. nutritious
  2. hissing
  3. delightful
  4. faithful
  5. clumsy
  6. filthy
  7. grumpy
  8. handsome
  9. fancy
  10. itchy
  11. greasy
  12. lazy
  13. inexpensive
  14. shallow

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