Adjectif ou adverbe ?

Adjectif ou adverbe ?

Exercice d’anglais à faire en ligne, avec son corrigé.

Ecrivez les adjectifs ou adverbes entre parenthèses à la forme qui convient: 

Exemple:  She works slow/slowly. → She works slowly.

  1. That’s the  solution to this problem.
  2. The attack affected tourism.
  3. They spoke  about the company’s future.
  4. Where can I get a  Japanese meal?
  5. Kevin jumped over the gate .
  6. He tried to stay .
  7. It is six o’clock.
  8. Her English isn’t perfect yet, but it’s good.
  9. I’m  answering all of my emails.
  10. He could move.
  11. This restaurant is
  12. Daniel likes wearing clothes.
  13. I waited in the car.
  14. He gave us an look as we drove past.
  15. I’ve been having a lot of headaches  .
  16. He can play the violin .
  17. Mr. Smith  donated $2,000 to the fundation.
  18. If you speak , I can understand.
  19. The sky became surprisingly .
  20. He is a  cook.

  1. logical
  2. hardly
  3. optimistically
  4. typical
  5. easily
  6. quiet
  7. nearly
  8. pretty
  9. gradually
  10. hardly
  11. reasonably cheap
  12. colourful
  13. nervously
  14. unfriendly
  15. lately
  16. extremely well
  17. generously
  18. slowly
  19. dark
  20. terrible

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