Catégorie : Les pronoms

Pronoms demonstratifs this that these those

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Complétez les phrases avec this, that, these ou those.

  1. Where are  shoes you bought for me?
  2.  is the first time I have ever seen an eclipse.
  3.  apples were rotten so I threw them away.
  4. Just look at  car over there!
  5. I’m so happy ! I’ll remember  day for the rest of my life!
  6. ‘He sent me some flowers’ ‘ was nice of him’
  7. ‘I think  books will interest you.’
  8. I’ll never forget  moment when I broke my leg.
  9. On  day, he was really sick, but he’s feeling better  week.
  10. I like  pink shirt, but I hate  horrible trousers.
  11. Hello,  is Matt speaking. Is  Sarah?
  12. Look at  children here, on the right. They look so happy.
  13. Look at  mountains in the background, they are so beautiful!
  14.  walls were built in 1650.
  15. Take a look at  poster, over there!

  1. Where are those shoes you bought for me?
  2. This is the first time I have ever seen an eclipse.
  3. Those apples were rotten so I threw them away.
  4. Just look at that car over there!
  5. I’m so happy ! I’ll remember this day for the rest of my life!
  6. ‘He sent me some flowers’ ‘ That was nice of him’
  7. ‘I think these books will interest you.’
  8. I’ll never forget that moment when I broke my leg.
  9. On that day, he was really sick, but he’s feeling better this week.
  10. I like this pink shirt, but I hate those horrible trousers.
  11. Hello, this is Matt speaking. Is that Sarah?
  12. Look at these children here, on the right. They look so happy.
  13. Look at those mountains in the background, they are so beautiful!
  14. These walls were built in 1650.
  15. Take a look at that poster, over there!

exercice pronoms réfléchis anglais


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Choisissez le pronom réfléchi qui convient:

  1. He burned  badly.
  2. Did you guys build the house ?
  3. I wish I had taken better care of .
  4. Did they really do all that work by ?
  5. He was feeling very sorry for .
  6. Her mother lives in the country all by .
  7. Let’s go see for .
  8. The fire went out by .
  9. I built this doghouse by .
  10. She has the large house to .
  11. The president  announced the news.
  12. Please, help  to these cookies.
  13. We introduced  to each other.
  14. He hoped the problem would solve .
  15. Babies are not capable of looking after .


  1. He burned himself badly.
  2. Did you guys build the house yourselves?
  3. I wish I had taken better care of myself.
  4. Did they really do all that work by themselves?
  5. He was feeling very sorry for himself.
  6. Her mother lives in the country all by herself.
  7. Let’s go see for ourselves.
  8. The fire went out by itself.
  9. I built this doghouse by myself.
  10. She has the large house to herself.
  11. The president himself announced the news.
  12. Please, help yourself to these cookies.
  13. We introduced ourselves to each other.
  14. He hoped the problem would solve itself.
  15. Babies are not capable of looking after themselves.

Exercice pronoms possessif anglais 2


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RAPPEL: les pronoms possessifs anglais sont: ‘mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs’ = le sien, la sienne, le mien’
ATTENTION ! ne pas les confondre avec les adjectifs possessifs ! (my, your, her, his… = mon, ma, mes, votre…)

Choisissez le bon pronom possessif:

Exemple: This hat belongs to my sister – it’s . → it’s hers.

  1. That truck belongs to my aunt and uncle. That truck is .
  2. The leaf belongs to the plant – it is .
  3. The food belongs to us – it is .
  4. The house belongs to them. It is .
  5. This bicycle belongs to my neighbor Paul. This bicycle is .
  6. This scarf belongs to my aunt Tina. This scarf is .
  7. These shoes belong to my mother. These shoes are .
  8. The computer belongs to me – it’s .
  9. The bikes belong to me and my sister – they’re .
  10. The cars belong to you – they’re .
  11. This book belongs to my brother – it’s .
  12. The phone belongs to me – it’s .
  13. The plane belongs to me and my father – it’s .
  14. This box belongs to my mother – it’s .
  15. Those cookies belong to my sister’s friends. Those cookies are .


  1. theirs
  2. its
  3. ours
  4. theirs
  5. his
  6. hers
  7. hers
  8. mine
  9. ours
  10. yours
  11. his
  12. mine
  13. ours
  14. hers
  15. theirs

Exercice pronoms demonstratifs anglais: This ou these?

Rappel: les pronoms démonstratifs sont this, that, these et those. On les utilise pour désigner des choses ou des personnes qui sont situées près ou loin.

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Choisissez entre This ou These:

  1. What is ?
  2.  are good people.
  3.  book is great.
  4.  is an apple pie.
  5.  are my pets.
  6. I like  picture.
  7. What is the answer to  questions.
  8.  apples look good.
  9. Have you seen  movie?
  10. I´ll take  grapes.
  11.  chair is ugly.
  12.  boys are students.
  13.  tastes good.
  14. Are  your watches?
  15.  is a hospital.
  16.  hamburgers tastes good.
  17.  isn’t fair.
  18.  book is old.
  19.  dogs are big.
  20.  pearls look real.
  21.  is a road map.
  22.  scissors cut well.
  23.  is all I know.
  24.  socks do not match.
  25. It´s raining again.  is awful.
  26.  is my friend, Paul.
  27.  things aren’t mine!
  28.  men are used to hard work.
  29. I don´t like  one.
  30. Do you like  flowers?

  1. What is this?
  2. These are good people.
  3. This book is great.
  4. This is an apple pie.
  5. These are my pets.
  6. I like this picture.
  7. What is the answer to these questions.
  8. These apples look good.
  9. Have you seen this movie?
  10. I´ll take these grapes.
  11. This chair is ugly.
  12. These boys are students.
  13. This tastes good.
  14. Are these your watches?
  15. This is a hospital.
  16. These hamburgers tastes good.
  17. This isn’t fair.
  18. This book is old.
  19. These dogs are big.
  20. These pearls look real.
  21. This is a road map.
  22. These scissors cut well.
  23. This is all I know.
  24. These socks do not match.
  25. It´s raining again. This is awful.
  26. This is my friend, Paul.
  27. These things aren’t mine!
  28. These men are used to hard work.
  29. I don´t like this one.
  30. Do you like these flowers?

exercice pronom personnel anglais pdf

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Choisissez le bon pronom entre her, him, it, them et us:

  1. If you see a good opportunity, just take .
  2. ‘Paul looks so happy. His parents offered  a car for his birthday!’
  3. ‘Where did you put my old magazines?’ ‘I threw  away.’
  4. ‘Have you seen the latest Iron Man movie!’ ‘Yes, I have already seen !’
  5. ‘My sister is really kind. I like  very much.’
  6. I don’t need help to fix my computer. I can do  by myself.
  7. ‘Have you met Paul and Kevin?’ ‘No, I have never met .’
  8. We had so much fun at the beach! I wish you had come with.
  9. You should take your friends to the train station. Don’t let  go by taxi.
  10. ‘Why is she insulting Jim?’ ‘Because she hates 
  11. ‘Where did you get that book?’ ‘I’m afraid I can’t remember .’
  12. ‘Do you really like Sarah?’ ‘Yes, I’m in love with !’
  13. ‘Your husband is a good cook!’ ‘I’ll ask  to prepare dinner.’
  14. ‘Do you know this man?’ ‘Sorry, I don’t know .’
  15. ‘Where are my shoes?’ ‘You are wearing !’
  16. ‘Do you like bananas?’ ‘I love !’
  17. ‘Why is he always looking at Tina?’ ‘He probably likes !’
  18. ‘Where is my phone? I think I’ve lost .’
  19. ‘Is that Sarah’s new computer?’ ‘Don’t ask me, ask !’
  20. ‘How are your parents? I haven’t met  for ages!’

  1. it
  2. him
  3. them
  4. it
  5. her
  6. it
  7. them
  8. us
  9. them
  10. him
  11. it
  12. her
  13. him 
  14. him
  15. them
  16. them
  17. her
  18. it
  19. her
  20. them

exercice pronom compléments d’objet

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Par quels pronoms compléments d’objet (him, them, us…) peut-on remplacer les mots soulignés dans chaque phrase ?

Exemple: I saw your sister at the library. → her

  1. She hates Tina’s boyfriend. →
  2. We must do the cleaning today. →
  3. She told Paul and I the truth. →
  4. He’s talking to Paula about it. →
  5. I like apple juice. →
  6. I often read books. →
  7. They listen to the teacher. →
  8. We are talking to our neighbour. →
  9. I’ll speak to the boss tomorrow. →
  10. I don’t know the new students. →
  11. The match starts at 10.30. →
  12. Have you seen Kevin recently? →
  13. Come with Sarah and I to the supermarket. →
  14. I didn’t like the way he spoke to my sister. →
  15. Paul took George to work. →

  1. him
  2. it
  3. us
  4. her
  5. it
  6. them
  7. him
  8. them
  9. him
  10. them
  11. it
  12. him
  13. us
  14. her
  15. him

pronoms personnels compléments d’objet

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Transformez les pronoms sujets en pronoms compléments d’objets:

I  → 

he  → 

she  → 

you  → 

it  → 

we  → 

they  → 

I → me

he → him

she → her

you → you

it → it

we → us

they → them

Pronom sujet ou complément d’objet

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Pronom sujet ou complément d’objet ? Trouvez les bonnes réponses.

Kevin just arrived. Have you met ?  is about your age.  
→ Kevin just arrived. Have you met him? He is about your age. 

  1. Does Jim like Japanese food? Yes,  loves .
  2. I don’t know the answer, but John does, so please don’t ask .  Ask .
  3. Do you listen to American hip hop songs? No,  don’t like .
  4. Tina didn’t invite her friends. Why didn’t  ask  to come here?
  5. Are those cookies for you? No,  aren’t for .
  6. I spoke with your grandfather.  told  an interesting story.
  7. Did I give you the keys? Yes,  gave to me.
  8. Does Tina love Paul? Yes,  loves .
  9. Tom and I trust Nicole.  have known  for years.
  10. This exercise is too difficult for the students.  don’t understand .


  1. Does Jim like Japanese food? Yes, he loves it.
  2. I don’t know the answer, but John does, so please don’t ask me.  Ask him.
  3. Do you listen to American hip hop songs? No, I don’t like them.
  4. Tina didn’t invite her friends. Why didn’t you ask them to come here?
  5. Are those cookies for you? No, they aren’t for you.
  6. I spoke with your grandfather. He told me an interesting story.
  7. Did I give you the keys? Yes, you gave them to me.
  8. Does Tina love Paul? Yes, she loves him.
  9. Tom and I trust Nicole. We have known her for years.
  10. This exercise is too difficult for the students. They don’t understand it.

pronoms sujet anglais exercice

Changez le sujet en pronoms personnels sujets:


My grandpa is nice. → He is nice.
You and your brother are lazy. → You are lazy.

  1. This game is fun. →   is fun.
  2. The students are smart. →   are smart.
  3. Is this seat free? → Is  free?
  4. This place is famous. →   is famous.
  5. The girls are Canadian. →   are Canadian.
  6. Samantha is from London. →   is from London.
  7. The shoes are dirty. →   are dirty.
  8. You and I love each other. →   love each other.
  9. You and your friend are kind. →   are kind.
  10. The man is crying. →   is crying.
  11. You and I are hungry. →   are hungry.
  12. Tina often reads books. →   often reads books.
  13. Is Kevin playing video games? → Is  playing video games?
  14. My sister is a nurse. →   is a nurse.
  15. The pictures are on the wall. →   are on the wall.
  16. The horse is running. →   is running.
  17. My sister and I studied English together. →   studied English together.
  18. Jim is playing soccer. →   is playing soccer
  19. The cats are quiet. →   are quiet.
  20. Sarah has got a brother. →   has got a brother.

  1. It is fun.
  2. They are smart.
  3. Is it free?
  4. It is famous.
  5. They are Canadian.
  6. She is from London.
  7. They are dirty.
  8. We love each other.
  9. You are kind.
  10. He is crying.
  11. We are hungry.
  12. She often reads books.
  13. Is he playing video games?
  14. She is a nurse.
  15. They are on the wall.
  16. It is running.
  17. We studied English together.
  18. He is playing soccer
  19. They are quiet.
  20. She has got a brother.

Démonstratifs anglais exercice

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Complétez les phrases avec this, that, these ou those.

  1. Are  books over there on the table yours?
  2.  grapes I’m eating are really good.
  3. Which is your favorite photo?  one or  one?
  4.  was a great movie we saw last night.
  5. Take a look at  car across the street.
  6.  stamps here come from Spain.
  7. What’s the difference between  building here, and  building way over there?
  8. And where are you living  days?
  9. I like  painting, but Sam prefers  one over there.
  10. In  days not many people had cars, so they had to walk.
  11. ‘Don’t spend too much money !’:  is what she told me.
  12.  is what I’ll do: I’ll ask my father.
  13.  was the first time I had ever seen a zebra.
  14. ‘Who are  men at the bus stop? ‘
  15. Come here. I want you to look at . It’s incredible.

  1. Are those books over there on the table yours?
  2. These grapes I’m eating are really good.
  3. Which is your favorite photo? This one or that one?
  4. That was a great movie we saw last night.
  5. Take a look at that car across the street.
  6. These stamps here come from Spain.
  7. What’s the difference between this building here, and that building way over there?
  8. And where are you living these days?
  9. I like this painting, but Sam prefers that one over there.
  10. In those days not many people had cars, so they had to walk.
  11. ‘Don’t spend too much money !’: that is what she told me.
  12. This is what I’ll do: I’ll ask my father.
  13. That was the first time I had ever seen a zebra.
  14. ‘Who are those men at the bus stop? ‘
  15. Come here. I want you to look at this. It’s incredible.