Exercice en ligne sur les phrasal verbs avec ‘fall’

Exercice de vocabulaire anglais: ‘fall’

Exercice de vocabulaire en anglais gratuit à faire en ligne avec son corrigé, pour s’entraîner en classe ou à la maison de manière interactive. Ce test vous permettra d’enrichir votre lexique et d’améliorer votre maîtrise de la langue anglaise.

Tous les exercices de vocabulaire sont corrigés pour un entraînement sans besoin d’aide (Les réponses sont en bas de la page).

Complétez les phrases suivantes avec la forme correcte des phrasal verbs ci-dessous:

  • fall away
  • fall back
  • fall back on
  • fall behind
  • fall down
  • fall flat
  • fall for
  • fall in with
  • fall off
  • fall on

1. As the night descended, the crowd began to ___________.

2. The enemy had to ___________ due to the intense counterattack.

3. She knew that even if her acting career failed, she had her MBA degree to ___________.

4. He was struggling in school and started to ___________ in his assignments.

5. Make sure you don’t ___________ on your responsibilities; it’s crucial to stay diligent.

6. Her joke completely ___________ and no one laughed.

7. He couldn’t help but ___________ her charm the moment they met.

8. Attendance often ___________ during the winter season due to bad weather.

9. The lion ___________ the deer with a fierce roar.

10. They decided to ___________ our plan after considering all the options.


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  1. As the night descended, the crowd began to fall away.
  2. The enemy had to fall back due to the intense counterattack.
  3. She knew that even if her acting career failed, she had her MBA degree to fall back on.
  4. He was struggling in school and started to fall behind in his assignments.
  5. Make sure you don’t fall down on your responsibilities; it’s crucial to stay diligent.
  6. Her joke completely fell flat and no one laughed.
  7. He couldn’t help but fall for her charm the moment they met.
  8. Attendance often falls off during the winter season due to bad weather.
  9. The lion fell upon the deer with a fierce roar.
  10. They decided to fall in with our plan after considering all the options.


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