Exercice en ligne sur les phrasal verbs avec « come »

Exercice de vocabulaire anglais: « come »

Exercice de vocabulaire en anglais gratuit à faire en ligne avec son corrigé, pour s’entraîner en classe ou à la maison de manière interactive. Ce test vous permettra d’enrichir votre lexique et d’améliorer votre maîtrise de la langue anglaise.

Tous les exercices de vocabulaire sont corrigés pour un entraînement sans besoin d’aide (Les réponses sont en bas de la page).

Complétez les phrases suivantes avec la forme correcte des phrasal verbs ci-dessous:

  • come about
  • come across
  • come after
  • come at
  • come back
  • come by
  • come down
  • come down to
  • come down with
  • come in
  • come in for
  • come off
  • come out
  • come over
  • come round
  • come to
  • come up
  • come up against
  • come upon
  • come up to
  • come up with
  1. I didn’t expect this to ___________ so suddenly; it was a complete surprise.
  2. While cleaning the attic, I ___________ some old family photos.
  3. The detective advised us to ___________ anything suspicious in the neighborhood.
  4. She started to ___________ the stairs when she heard a noise.
  5. The cat will always ___________ home after exploring the neighborhood.
  6. My friend promised to ___________ by my house later today.
  7. The prices of many products ___________ during the sale.
  8. It all ___________ hard work and dedication in the end.
  9. I think I’m starting to ___________ a cold; I feel terrible.
  10. When the results ___________, everyone was surprised.
  11. He didn’t expect to ___________ so much criticism for his comments.
  12. The button on my shirt ___________ during the meeting.
  13. Her new book will ___________ next month.
  14. The stain won’t ___________ no matter what I try.
  15. She decided to ___________ from France to visit us.
  16. I’ll ___________ to see you this weekend.
  17. He fainted but eventually ___________ after a few minutes.
  18. The total expenses will ___________ a significant amount.
  19. This topic will ___________ in the next meeting.
  20. We ___________ some unexpected problems during the project.
  21. While walking in the park, I ___________ an interesting sculpture.
  22. His performance didn’t ___________ our expectations.
  23. She managed to ___________ a brilliant solution to the problem.



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  1. I didn’t expect this to come about so suddenly; it was a complete surprise.
  2. While cleaning the attic, I came across some old family photos.
  3. The detective advised us to come after anything suspicious in the neighborhood.
  4. She started to come down the stairs when she heard a noise.
  5. The cat will always come back home after exploring the neighborhood.
  6. My friend promised to come by my house later today.
  7. The prices of many products came down during the sale.
  8. It all comes down to hard work and dedication in the end.
  9. I think I’m starting to come down with a cold; I feel terrible.
  10. When the results came out, everyone was surprised.
  11. He didn’t expect to come in for so much criticism for his comments.
  12. The button on my shirt came off during the meeting.
  13. Her new book will come out next month.
  14. The stain won’t come out no matter what I try.
  15. She decided to come over from France to visit us.
  16. I’ll come round to see you this weekend.
  17. He fainted but eventually came round after a few minutes.
  18. The total expenses will come to a significant amount.
  19. This topic will come up in the next meeting.
  20. We came up against some unexpected problems during the project.
  21. While walking in the park, I came upon an interesting sculpture.
  22. His performance didn’t come up to our expectations.
  23. She managed to come up with a brilliant solution to the problem.


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