Exercices vocabulaire anglais: la science 🔬

Exercice de vocabulaire anglais: la science 🔬

Exercice de vocabulaire en anglais gratuit à faire en ligne ou bien à imprimer en PDF avec son corrigé, pour s’entraîner en classe ou à la maison de manière interactive. Ce test vous permettra d’enrichir votre lexique et d’améliorer votre maîtrise de la langue anglaise.

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Complétez les phrases avec les mots suivants:

a cure | astronomy | biology | breed | cloned | experiment | genetics | robots | sample | theory

    1. Scientists are studying the ________ of dogs to understand their behavior better.
    2. The scientist successfully ________ the sheep in the laboratory.
    3. ________ are used in factories to help with repetitive tasks.
    4. The students conducted an ________ to see how plants grow in different conditions.
    5. The ________ of evolution explains how species change over time.
    6. The doctor took a ________ of blood to test for any infections.
    7. Scientists are working hard to find ________ for diseases like cancer and AIDS.
    8. ________ explores celestial bodies like stars, planets, and galaxies.
    9. ________ plays a crucial role in determining our traits and characteristics.
    10. In ________ class, we learn about living organisms and their ecosystems.


  1. Scientists are studying the breed of dogs to understand their behavior better.
  2. The scientist successfully cloned the sheep in the laboratory.
  3. Robots are used in factories to help with repetitive tasks.
  4. The students conducted an experiment to see how plants grow in different conditions.
  5. The theory of evolution explains how species change over time.
  6. The doctor took a sample of blood to test for any infections.
  7. Scientists are working hard to find a cure for diseases like cancer and AIDS.
  8. Astronomy explores celestial bodies like stars, planets, and galaxies.
  9. Genetics plays a crucial role in determining our traits and characteristics.
  10. In biology class, we learn about living organisms and their ecosystems.


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