Exercices vocabulaire anglais: l’histoire


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Compléter les phrases suivantes avec les mots de cette liste:

empire | archaeologists | events | primitive | dates | records | artefacts | ancestors | ancient | origins

  1. Our  came here over a hundred years ago.
  2. In  times, plagues killed many people.
  3. These  are a written documents preserving knowledge.
  4. Looters stole ancient  from the tomb.
  5. Those words have extremely old .
  6. Polish  are conducting scientific studies in Sudan.
  7. The Roman  existed from 27 BC to 476 AD.
  8. That discovery of  forms of marsupials is incredible.
  9. This story is based on actual .
  10. The countrys history  to 4000 BC.

  1. Our ancestors came here over a hundred years ago.
  2. In ancient times, plagues killed many people.
  3. These records are a written documents preserving knowledge.
  4. Looters stole ancient artifacts from the tomb.
  5. Those words have extremely old origins.
  6. Polish archaeologists are conducting scientific studies in Sudan.
  7. The Roman Empire existed from 27 BC to 476 AD.
  8. That discovery of primitive forms of marsupials is incredible.
  9. This story is based on actual events.
  10. The countrys history dates to 4000 BC.

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