Vocabulaire musique anglais

Vocabulaire musique anglais

Exercice d’anglais gratuit à faire en ligne avec correction.

Making music

Remplissez les phrases avec les mots suivants:

music | voice | practice | solo | choir | ear | lessons | piece

1. Katy’s got a beautiful . She sings in the local church .
> Really? Does she ever sing ?

2. A friend of mine plays the piano really well even though she can’t read . She plays everything by .

3. I’m having piano at the moment. I try to do one hour’s a day.

4. ‘The Four Seasons’ is my favourite of music.


1. Katy’s got a beautiful voice. She sings in the local church choir.
> Really? Does she ever sing solo?

2. A friend of mine plays the piano really well even though she can’t read music. She plays everything by ear.

3. I’m having piano lessons at the moment. I try to do one hour’s practice a day.

4. ‘The Four Seasons’ is my favourite piece of music.


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