Exercice d’anglais – Phrasal Verbs avec ‘go’ | Exercices-anglais.com

Exercice de vocabulaire anglais: Phrasal Verbs avec ‘go’

Exercice de vocabulaire en anglais gratuit à faire en ligne avec son corrigé, pour s’entraîner en classe ou à la maison de manière interactive. Ce test vous permettra d’enrichir votre lexique et d’améliorer votre maîtrise de la langue anglaise.

Tous les exercices de vocabulaire sont corrigés pour un entraînement sans besoin d’aide (Les réponses sont en bas de la page).

Complétez les phrases suivantes avec la particule qui convient:

1. We went ______________ the first option. = We decided that the first option was better.
a) with
b) out
c) on

2. They went ______________ for one year. = They had a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.
a) with
b) out
c) on

3. I can’t go ______________. = I can’t continue.
a) with
b) out
c) on

4. They went ______________ that player, but he ended up with another team.
a) after
b) away
c) along

5. He went _______________. = He left.
a) after
b) away
c) along

6. He didn’t like the plan, but he went ________________ with it. = He accepted it.
a) after
b) away
c) along

7. Let’s go _______________ your answers. = Let’s review your answers.
a) about
b) over
c) up

8. How would you like to go ______________ this? = How would you like to deal with this?
a) about
b) over
c) up

9. Apartment prices went _______________ again this year. = Prices increased.
a) about
b) over
c) up

10. Our business went _______________ last year. = It went bankrupt.
a) under
b) out
c) off


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  1. We went with the first option. = We decided that the first option was better.
  2. They went out for one year. = They had a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.
  3. I can’t go on. = I can’t continue.
  4. They went after that player, but he ended up with another team.
  5. He went away. = He left.
  6. He didn’t like the plan, but he went along with it. = He accepted it.
  7. Let’s go over your answers. = Let’s review your answers.
  8. How would you like to go about this? = How would you like to deal with this?
  9. Apartment prices went up again this year. = Prices increased.
  10. Our business went under last year. = It went bankrupt.


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