Les mots de liaison en anglais – Exercice đź“ť

Exercice de vocabulaire anglais: Les mots de liaison

Exercice de vocabulaire en anglais gratuit Ă  faire en ligne avec son corrigĂ©, pour s’entraĂ®ner en classe ou Ă  la maison de manière interactive. Ce test vous permettra d’enrichir votre lexique et d’amĂ©liorer votre maĂ®trise de la langue anglaise.

Tous les exercices de vocabulaire sont corrigĂ©s pour un entraĂ®nement sans besoin d’aide (Les rĂ©ponses sont en bas de la page).

Complétez les phrases suivantes avec le mot de liaison qui convient: 

  1. I am having a great time in England, the bad weather.
  2. She did well in the test, Tom didn’t
  3. She came to work her cold.
  4. We arrived safely, the train was two hours late.
  5. She went to school her mother told her to.
  6. I am going to the palace even I have been there before.
  7. Debbie hid her diary nobody could read it.
  8. Johnny eats fish, his brother won’t touch it.
  9. I can’t stand pop music my sister loves it.
  10. I have lost a few pounds I am still overweight.


  1. I am having a great time in England, despite the bad weather.
  2. She did well in the test, whereas Tom didn’t.
  3. She came to work in spite of her cold.
  4. We arrived safely, although the train was two hours late.
  5. She went to school because her mother told her to.
  6. I am going to the palace even though I have been there before.
  7. Debbie hid her diary so that nobody could read it.
  8. Although Johnny eats fish, his brother won’t touch it.
  9. I can’t stand pop music whereas my sister loves it.
  10. Although i have lost a few pounds i am still overweight.


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