anglais contraire des mots

Trouvez le contraire parmi la liste de mots proposés
expensive cheap
foreigner native
heaven hell
intentional accidental
life death
narrow broad, wide
occupied vacant
professional amateur
to remember to forget
seldom often
sometimes often
to teach to learn
Careful →  
  1. Fast
  2. Loving
  3. Reckless
  4. Painful
Loud →  
  1. Quiet
  2. Small
  3. Noisy
  4. Tight
Buyer →  
  1. Owner
  2. Price
  3. Farmer
  4. Seller
End →  
  1. Finish
  2. Middle
  3. Last
  4. Beginning
Sunset →  
  1. Sunshine
  2. Moon
  3. Star
  4. Sunrise
Wife →  
  1. Daughter
  2. Uncle
  3. Niece
  4. Husband
Peace →  
  1. War
  2. Battle
  3. Love
  4. Year
Life →  
  1. Pain
  2. Disease
  3. Happiness
  4. Death
Health →  
  1. Pain
  2. Hospital
  3. Sickness
  4. Doctor
Raise →  
  1. Decide
  2. Lower
  3. Fly
  4. Jump
Throw →  
  1. Help
  2. Catch
  3. Send
  4. Steal
Pull →  
  1. Learn
  2. Push
  3. Wrestle
  4. Fight
Repair →  
  1. Break
  2. Play
  3. Move
  4. Send
Lose →  
  1. Stay
  2. Win
  3. Take
  4. Try
Fail →  
  1. Correct
  2. Succeed
  3. Try
  4. Help
Yell →  
  1. Cry
  2. Talk
  3. Whisper
  4. Hide
Escape →  
  1. Hurt
  2. Dodge
  3. Jump
  4. Capture
Near →  
  1. Above
  2. Under
  3. Next to
  4. Far
Build →  
  1. Make
  2. Destroy
  3. Start
  4. Create
Agree →  
  1. Send
  2. Disagree
  3. Kill
  4. Repeat
Arrive →  
  1. Come
  2. Hug
  3. Leave
  4. Greet
Reject →  
  1. Choose
  2. Say
  3. Accept
  4. Refer
  1. Reveal →  
    1. Grab
    2. Tell
    3. Conceal
    4. Demonstrate


  1. Protect →  
    1. Vend
    2. Sell
    3. Attack
    4. Expand



  1. Attach →  
    1. Scrape
    2. Subtract
    3. Detach
    4. Add


  1. Export →  
    1. Tax
    2. Import
    3. Raise
    4. Report


  1. Donate →  
    1. Take
    2. Feel
    3. Let
    4. Give

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