La famille en anglais – Exercice de vocabulaire

La famille en anglais – Exercice de vocabulaire

Exercice d’anglais gratuit à faire en ligne, avec son corrigé.

Complétez les phrases suivantes:

1. A girl/woman who has the same mother and father as I do is my

2. A boy/man who has the same mother and father as I do is my .

3. My father’s brother is my

4. My father’s sister is my .

5. The son of my father’s brother is my .

6. My mother’s mother is my

7. My father’s father is my

8. The man who I am married to is my .

9. The woman who I am married to is my .

10. My male child is my .

11. My female child is my .

  1. A girl/woman who has the same mother and father as I do is my sister
  2. A boy/man who has the same mother and father as I do is my brother
  3. My father’s brother is my uncle
  4. My father’s sister is my aunt
  5. The son of my father’s brother is my cousin
  6. My mother’s mother is my grandmother
  7. My father’s father is my grandfather
  8. The man who I am married to is my husband
  9. The woman who I am married to is my wife
  10. My male child is my son
  11. My female child is my daughter

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