Exprimer son opinion [Exercice en ligne]

Exprimer son opinion [exercice]

Exercice de vocabulaire anglais gratuit à faire en ligne avec sa correction.

Complétez les phrases avec les verbes suivants à la forme qui convient:

  • follow | understand | lose | make sense

1. I’m trying to set up this music system but I don’t the instructions.

2. I’m trying to set up this music system, but the instructions don’t .

3. Sorry, I don’t  you. Can you explain that again?

4. I’m sorry. You me. Could you start again?

  1. I’m trying to set up this music system but I don’t understand the instructions.
  2. I’m trying to set up this music system, but the instructions don’t make sense.
  3. Sorry, I don’t follow you. Can you explain that again?
  4. I’m sorry. You lost me. Could you start again?

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