Exercices vocabulaire anglais: le mariage

Exercices vocabulaire anglais: le mariage

Exercice d’anglais gratuit à faire en ligne, avec son corrigé.

Complétez les phrases avec la forme correcte des mots et verbes suivants:

get engaged | propose to | set a date | arrange | ask

1. I’ve got some news. I’m really excited. Mark  me to marry him last night. I said yes!

2. I remember the day my husband  me. We were on holiday in Greece. It was very romantic.

3. Have you heard? Martin and Lisa have just . They’re planning to get married next year.
> Really? That’s fantastic. Have they ?

4. In some countries parents  their children’s marriages. They look for a suitable partner for their son or daughter to marry.

1. I’ve got some news. I’m really excited. Mark asked me to marry him last night. I said yes!

2. I remember the day my husband proposed to me. We were on holiday in Greece. It was very romantic.

3. Have you heard? Martin and Lisa have just got engaged. They’re planning to get married next year.
> Really? That’s fantastic. Have they set a date?

4. In some countries parents arrange their children’s marriages. They look for a suitable partner for their son or daughter to marry.


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