Exercices vocabulaire anglais sur l’amour

Exercices vocabulaire anglais sur l’amour

Exercice d’anglais gratuit à faire en ligne, avec son corrigé.

Complétez les phrases avec les mots suivants:

in love | going out | boyfriend | kissed | girlfriend | romantic | relationship | date

  • Peter had never had a .
  • Anna had never had a .
  • When they started  together, they were both very nervous.
  • For their first , Peter wanted to take her somewhere , so he booked a table at an Italian restaurant.
  • He walked her home. When he left, they  goodnight.
  • The next day Anna told her best friend that she was  with Peter and that this was the first really serious  in her life.


  1. girlfriend
  2. boyfriend
  3. going out
  4. date
  5. romantic
  6. kissed
  7. in love
  8. relationship

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