Conduire en anglais 🚗 • Exercice en ligne

Exercice de vocabulaire anglais: la conduite đźš—

Exercice de vocabulaire en anglais gratuit Ă  faire en ligne ou bien Ă  imprimer en PDF avec son corrigĂ©, pour s’entraĂ®ner en classe ou Ă  la maison de manière interactive. Ce test vous permettra d’enrichir votre lexique et d’amĂ©liorer votre maĂ®trise de la langue anglaise.

Tous les exercices de vocabulaire sont corrigĂ©s pour un entraĂ®nement sans besoin d’aide (Les rĂ©ponses sont en bas de la page).

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Utilisez les mots suivants pour compléter les phrases:

drive | garage | gas tank | lessons | mirrors | pedestrian | reverse | seatbelt | speed limit | traffic

1. I need to ________ to work every day.

2. Don’t forget to fasten your ________ before we go.

3. My friend is learning to drive; she’s taking ________.

4. Be sure to check your ________ before changing lanes.

5. The ________ was heavy this morning, so I was late to the meeting.

6. I’ll park the car in the ________ when I get home.

7. It’s important to obey the ________ on residential streets.

8. I need to fill up the ________ before we leave for our trip.

9. Watch out for that ________ crossing the street!

10. I’ll need to ________ into this parking spot.


  1. I need to drive to work every day.
  2. Don’t forget to fasten your seatbelt before we go.
  3. My friend is learning to drive; she’s taking lessons.
  4. Be sure to check your mirrors before changing lanes.
  5. The traffic was heavy this morning, so I was late to the meeting.
  6. I’ll park the car in the garage when I get home.
  7. It’s important to obey the speed limit on residential streets.
  8. I need to fill up the gas tank before we leave for our trip.
  9. Watch out for that pedestrian crossing the street!
  10. I’ll need to reverse into this parking spot.


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