Adjectif ou adverbe ? (2/4)

Adjectif ou adverbe ? Exercice anglais

Exercice d’anglais à faire en ligne, avec son corrigé.

Complétez les phrases suivantes avec l’adjectif ou l’adverbe qui convient: 

Exemple:  She works slow/slowly. → She works slowly.

  1. He described his house to me.
  2. Anna speaks English .
  3. If anything goes , give me a call.
  4. The sun was shining .
  5. He talked about himself.
  6. He had an look on his face when he saw her.
  7. Why are you always so ?
  8. This place doesn’t look .
  9. I was a bit about meeting you.
  10. The policeman treated the vagrant very .
  11. The team played  yesterday.
  12. I know him .
  13. The manager was really .
  14. Sam is a  learner.
  15. This changed the situation.
  16. The party was  a success.
  17. She spoke  to him.
  18. Check your lesson .
  19. His performance was .
  20. They were  married.


  1. proudly
  2. fluently
  3. wrong 
  4. brightly
  5. mainly
  6. angry
  7. slow
  8. safe
  9. nervous
  10. hardly
  11. beautifully
  12. well
  13. really
  14. quick
  15. dramatically
  16. quite
  17. rudely
  18. carefully
  19. amazing
  20. recently

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