Exercice débutant anglais: les erreurs fréquentes à éviter (2/3)


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Les phrases suivantes contiennent des erreurs (mots manquants ou en trop, fautes d’orthographe…). Il peut y avoir plusieurs fautes dans certaines phrases. Corrigez-les !


  • Tom is best student in the class. → Tom is the best student in the class.
  • There is some books on the table. → There is are some books on the table.


  1. Where did you went yesterday? →  
  2. After school, I always go to home. →  
  3. It depends of the weather. →  
  4. Do you went to school yesterday? →  
  5. I win two thousand euros a month. →  
  6. Myself and John are going into town →  
  7. I’ve been studied a lot lately. →  
  8. Tina likes go shopping on the weekend. →  
  9. When did you born? →  
  10. What did you do yesterday? I did go to the library. →  
  11. He is dead three years ago. →  
  12. He has a lot of luggages. →  
  13. I want that she leaves. →  
  14. The last year I visited Rome. →  
  15. What means this word? →  

  1. Where did you went yesterday? → Where did you go yesterday?
  2. After school, I always go to home. → After school, I always go home.
  3. It depends of the weather. → It depends on the weather.
  4. Do you went to school yesterday? Did you go to school yesterday?
  5. I win two thousand euros a month. → I earn two thousand euros a month.
  6. Myself and John are going into town → John and I are going into town
  7. I’ve been studied a lot lately. → I’ve been studying a lot lately.
  8. Tina likes go shopping on the weekend. → Tina likes to go shopping on the weekend.
  9. When did you born? → When were you born?
  10. What did you do yesterday? I did go to the library. → What did you do yesterday? I went to the library.
  11. He is dead three years ago. → He died three years ago.
  12. He has a lot of luggages. → He has a lot of luggage.
  13. I want that she leaves. → I want her to leave.
  14. The last year I visited Rome. → Last year I visited Rome.
  15. What means this word? → What does this word mean?

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