Exercice anglais débutant: les erreurs fréquentes (3/3)


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Les phrases suivantes contiennent des erreurs (mots manquants ou en trop, fautes d’orthographe…). Il peut y avoir plusieurs fautes dans certaines phrases. Corrigez-les !


  • Tom is best student in the class. → Tom is the best student in the class.
  • There is some books on the table. → There is are some books on the table.
  1. Everybody are happy. →  
  2. Paul gave to Linda the keys. →  
  3. Tokyo is more big than London. →  
  4. I don’t dance good. →  
  5. I’ll explain you the problem. →  
  6. Their going to be here soon →  
  7. I have four childrens. →  
  8. I explain her the problem. →  
  9. She doesn’t stop telling lies. →  
  10. I am used to working a lot. →  
  11. I speak very well Spanish. →  
  12. It depends of the weather. →  
  13. Do you know where is the restaurant? →  
  14. Right now I cook dinner. →  
  15. I’m not very good for cooking. →  

  1. Everybody are happy. → Everybody is happy.
  2. Paul gave to Linda the keys. → Paul gave Linda the keys / Paul gave the keys to Linda.
  3. Tokyo is more big than London. → Tokyo is bigger than London.
  4. I don’t dance good. → I don’t dance well.
  5. I’ll explain you the problem. → I’ll explain the problem to you.
  6. Their going to be here soon → They’re going to be here soon
  7. I have four childrens. → I have four children.
  8. I explain her the problem. → I explained the problem to her.
  9. She doesn’t stop telling lies. → She keeps telling lies.
  10. I am used to working a lot. → I am used to work a lot.
  11. I speak very well Spanish. → I speak Spanish very well.
  12. It depends of the weather. → It depends on the weather.
  13. Do you know where is the restaurant? → Do you know where the restaurant is?
  14. Right now I cook dinner. → Right now I am cooking dinner.
  15. I’m not very good for cooking. → I’m not very good at cooking.

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