La voiture en anglais 🚗 • Exercice de vocabulaire à imprimer

Exercice de vocabulaire anglais: la voiture

Exercice de vocabulaire en anglais gratuit Ă  faire en ligne ou bien Ă  imprimer en PDF avec son corrigĂ©, pour s’entraĂ®ner en classe ou Ă  la maison de manière interactive. Ce test vous permettra d’enrichir votre lexique et d’amĂ©liorer votre maĂ®trise de la langue anglaise.

Tous les exercices de vocabulaire sont corrigĂ©s pour un entraĂ®nement sans besoin d’aide (Les rĂ©ponses sont en bas de la page).

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Choisissez le mot qui convient pour compléter chacune des phrases :

1. Hey, don’t drive so fast or you’ll get in an ________ .


2. The driver in front of me keeps changing ________.


3. There is always a lot of ________ on this road.


4. The police officer gave me a ________ for not signalling.


5. I’m running low on gas. We have to ________ (get a full tank of gas).

fill up
fill in

6. The ________ is what one turns to go left or right.

round wheel
steering wheel

7. This road is so rough! There are so many ________.


8. This road is under construction so we have to make a ________.


9. Slow down! You’re going 40 miles above the ________!

speed limit
speed zone

10. When you’re driving in big cities, you should always look out for ________.



  1. Hey, don’t drive so fast or you’ll get in an accident.
  2. The driver in front of me keeps changing lanes.
  3. There is always a lot of traffic on this road.
  4. The police officer gave me a ticket for not signalling.
  5. I’m running low on gas. We have to fill up (get a full tank of gas).
  6. The steering wheel is what one turns to go left or right.
  7. This road is so rough! There are so many potholes.
  8. This road is under construction so we have to make a detour.
  9. Slow down! You’re going 40 miles above the speed limit!
  10. When you’re driving in big cities, you should always look out for pedestrians.


➡️ Exercice suivant :




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