Vocabulaire exercice anglais : l’École

Vocabulaire exercice anglais : l’École

Exercice de vocabulaire anglais gratuit à faire en ligne avec sa correction.

Complétez le texte avec la liste de mots suivants: 

  • grade
  • rules
  • strict
  • discipline
  • hour
  • uniform
  • period
  • test

School was very different when I was young. We all had to wear a school (1) .

There were lots of (2) and the teachers were very (3) . We had to stand up whenever a teacher came into the room. Once a week we had a (4) and anybody who got a (5) D or E had to do extra work during the lunch (6) .

My favourite subject was art, but we only had that for one (7) a week. Schools are more relaxed nowadays, but when you look at the problems in society, I think perhaps we should bring back some of the (8) .

School was very different when I was young. We all had to wear a school (1) uniform.

There were lots of (2) rules and the teachers were very (3) strict. We had to stand up whenever a teacher came into the room. Once a week we had a (4) test and anybody who got a (5) grade D or E had to do extra work during the lunch (6) hour.

My favourite subject was art, but we only had that for one (7) period a week. Schools are more relaxed nowadays, but when you look at the problems in society, I think perhaps we should bring back some of the (8) discipline.

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