Present simple ou present progressif


Complétez les phrases suivantes avec le présent simple ou le présent progressif:

1. (he/wear/a hat/often)  , but (he/not/wear/a hat)   today.

2. (we/have/dinner/now)    although (we/not/have/dinner/normally)   at this time.

3. (while/Linda/clean/the house)  , (her kids/play/in the garden)  .

4. I must hurry to the bus stop because (I/meet/Paul)   in an hour and (the bus/leave)   in five minutes.

5. Listen! (you/hear/that noise)  ?

6. I grew up with cats but now (I/have/a dog)  .


  1. He often wears a hat, but he is not wearing a hat today.
  2. We are having dinner now although we do not normally have dinner at this time.
  3. While Linda is cleaning the house, her kids are playing in the garden.
  4. I must hurry to the bus stop because I am meeting Paul in an hour and the bus leaves in five minutes.
  5. Listen! Do you hear that noise?
  6. I grew up with cats but now I have a dog.

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