Préposition ou pas ?


Exercice d’anglais gratuit à faire en ligne, avec son corrigé.

Complétez les phrases avec at, on, in , to, since ou rien:

  1. We always eat fish  Thursdays.
  2. I’ll see you  five minutes.
  3. I saw her  last week.
  4. Is Sam going to the cinema  today?
  5. I’ll come by  the evening.
  6. I’m planning to go  swimming this afternoon.
  7. I spoke to him  the beginning of the month.
  8. I am going  home very soon.
  9. Kevin went  bed.
  10. I saw Sarah on the street  yesterday.
  11. I saw her  the mall.
  12. Let’s meet  next week.
  13. I want to go  Strasbourg this afternoon.
  14. I haven’t seen him  September.
  15. I’m  100% sure.
  16. Do you live  France?
  17. Do you like  China?
  18. I’ve lived in London  2012.
  19. I met her  when I was on vacation.
  20. Paul is very punctual. He’s always  time.

  1. on
  2. in
  3. rien
  4. rien
  5. in
  6. rien
  7. at
  8. rien
  9. to
  10. rien
  11. at
  12. rien
  13. to
  14. since
  15. rien
  16. in
  17. rien
  18. since
  19. rien
  20. on

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