Les préposition en anglais

Les préposition en anglais

Exercice d’anglais gratuit à faire en ligne, avec son corrigé.

Complétez les phrases avec les prépositions suivantes:

with | about | during | towards | through | across | against

  1. Paul pointed  the mountain.
  2. The committee is highly satisfied  your report.
  3. Can you swim  the lake?
  4. I don’t care  your past.
  5. I bought many things  my stay in Japan.
  6. Five people died when the car collided  a tree.
  7. What’s Tom complaining ?
  8. It’s  the rules.
  9. Kevin saw Sam walking  her car.
  10. What are you talking ?
  11. I’m  the marriage.
  12. It’s  time you told him the truth.
  13. Tina rode her motorcycle  Australia.
  14. Don’t lean  this wall.
  15. In China most people eat  chopsticks.
  16. I met Sam  a music festival.
  17. My attitude  him changed.
  18. Please sit down. Mr. Smith will be  you in a moment.
  19. We entered the building  the front entrance.
  20. I live  the hall.

  1. towards
  2. with
  3. across
  4. about
  5. during
  6. with
  7. about
  8. against
  9. towards
  10. about
  11. against
  12. about
  13. across
  14. against
  15. with
  16. during
  17. towards
  18. with
  19. through
  20. across

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