Les mots de liaison – Exercice anglais (PDF 📝)

Exercice de vocabulaire anglais: Les mots de liaison

Exercice de vocabulaire en anglais gratuit à faire en ligne avec son corrigé, pour s’entraîner en classe ou à la maison de manière interactive. Ce test vous permettra d’enrichir votre lexique et d’améliorer votre maîtrise de la langue anglaise.

Tous les exercices de vocabulaire sont corrigés pour un entraînement sans besoin d’aide (Les réponses sont en bas de la page).

Complétez les phrases avec le mot de liaison qui convient: 

  1. save water, you should take a shower a bath.
  2. building new highways for cars and trucks, the government should spend more on public transport.
  3. We don’t take global warming seriously enough, rising ocean levels and floods.
  4. Where homes near the sea have been destroyed a flood , the owner’s shouldn’t be allowed to rebuild it in the same place.
  5. More money should be spent on alternative energy we don’t need to burn so much coal and oil.
  6. Private cars should be banned from cities because people are developing serious health problems air pollution from automobiles.
  7. it would cost me more to drive my car , I would be happy if they raised gasoline taxes in order to cut down on gas consumption.
  8. environmental problems are overwhelming , there is still hope.
  9. Some people water their lawns daily drought warnings.
  10. Climates are changing global warming.

  1. In order to save water, you should take a shower instead of a bath.
  2. Instead of building new highways for cars and trucks, the government should spend more on public transport.
  3. We don’t take global warming seriously enough, in spite of rising ocean levels and floods.
  4. Where homes near the sea have been destroyed by a flood, the owner’s shouldn’t be allowed to rebuild it in the same place.
  5. More money should be spent on alternative energy so that we don’t need to burn so much coal and oil.
  6. Private cars should be banned from cities because people are developing serious health problems due to air pollution from automobiles.
  7. Although it would cost me more to drive my car, I would be happy if they raised gasoline taxes in order to cut down on gas consumption.
  8. Even though environmental problems are overwhelming, there is still hope.
  9. Some people water their lawns daily despite drought warnings.
  10. Climates are changing as a result of global warming.


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