Les pronoms réfléchis anglais exercice (myself, himself….)

Les pronoms réfléchis en anglais: exercice

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Choisissez le pronom réfléchi qui convient:

  1. We should’ve gone there .
  2. They divided the money among .
  3. I met the king .
  4. I gave  2 months to get in shape.
  5. This door locks by .
  6. Do I make  clear?
  7. She killed  in a car accident.
  8. Just between , I don’t think he’s going to succeed.
  9. You can talk amongst  when the lesson will be over.
  10. The dog saw  in the mirror.
  11. He has this large room to .
  12. Take good care of .
  13. She did the job by .
  14. Tom lacks confidence in .
  15. These days many old people live by .


  1. We should’ve gone there ourselves.
  2. They divided the money among themselves.
  3. I met the king himself.
  4. I gave myself 2 months to get in shape.
  5. This door locks by itself.
  6. Do I make myself clear?
  7. She killed herself in a car accident.
  8. Just between ourselves, I don’t think he’s going to succeed.
  9. You can talk amongst yourselves when the lesson will be over.
  10. The dog saw itself in the mirror.
  11. He has this large room to himself.
  12. Take good care of yourself.
  13. She did the job by herself.
  14. Tom lacks confidence in himself.
  15. These days many old people live by themselves.

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