Exercices Vocabulaire anglais – les Pays

Exercices Vocabulaire anglais – les Pays

Exercice d’anglais gratuit à faire en ligne avec sa correction.

Complétez les phrases avec les noms des habitants de chaque pays indiqué entre parenthèses:

1. People often say that the aren’t as warm and friendly as other Europeans. (Britain)

2. We do quite a lot of business with the  (Japan)

3. The and the  have always been at the centre of the drive for European integration. (France, Germany)

4. Many people think the invented the sauna, but actually it was the (Sweden, Finland)

5. Some speak French, while others speak German or Italian. (Switzerland)

6. Lots of  came to Britain before the Second World War. (Poland)

  1. British
  2. Japanese
  3. French, Germans
  4. Swedes, Finns
  5. Swiss
  6. Poles

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