Exercices vocabulaire anglais: La loi et la justice

Exercice de vocabulaire anglais: Loi et justice

Exercice de vocabulaire en anglais gratuit à faire en ligne avec son corrigé, pour s’entraîner en classe ou à la maison de manière interactive. Ce test vous permettra d’enrichir votre lexique et d’améliorer votre maîtrise de la langue anglaise.

Tous les exercices de vocabulaire sont corrigés pour un entraînement sans besoin d’aide (Les réponses sont en bas de la page).

Utilisez les mots suivants pour compléter les phrases: 

case | charged | court | crime | fined | illegal | inmates | judge | pleaded | trial

  1. The ________ listened to both sides before giving the final verdict.
  2. It is ________ to drive without a valid driver’s license.
  3. The police investigated a ________ involving theft and vandalism.
  4. The ________ participated in a rehabilitation program.
  5. He was ________ with illegal possession of firearms.
  6. The accused ________  not guilty to the allegations.
  7. The driver was ________ for parking illegally in a restricted zone.
  8. The defendant was awaiting his ________ for tax fraud.
  9. The ________ involved charges of money laundering.
  10. The ________ found the defendant guilty of embezzlement.

  1. The judge listened to both sides before giving the final verdict.
  2. It is illegal to drive without a valid driver’s license.
  3. The police investigated a crime involving theft and vandalism.
  4. The inmates participated in a rehabilitation program.
  5. He was charged with illegal possession of firearms.
  6. The accused pleaded not guilty to the allegations.
  7. The driver was fined for parking illegally in a restricted zone.
  8. The defendant was awaiting his trial for tax fraud.
  9. The case involved charges of money laundering.
  10. The court found the defendant guilty of embezzlement.


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