Exercices vocabulaire anglais climat


Exercice d’anglais gratuit à faire en ligne avec sa correction.

Faites correspondre les phrases à gauche avec celles de droite:

  1. It was sunny and very hot. → 
  2. We had a lot of rain. → 
  3. It snowed on and off. → 
  4. It was very windy. → 
  5. It was dull and cloudy. → 
  6. We had some light rain. → 
  7. It was a bit foggy. → 
  8. There was the most awful storm. → 


  1. It was sunny and very hot. → We had a bit of a heatwave.
  2. We had a lot of rain. → lt was very wet.
  3. It snowed on and off. → There were a few wintry showers.
  4. It was very windy. → There was quite a breeze.
  5. It was dull and cloudy. → It was very overcast.
  6. We had some light rain. → There was a bit of drizzle.
  7. It was a bit foggy. → It was quite misty.
  8. There was the most awful storm. → We had thunder and lightning.

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