Exercice sur les phrasal verbs anglais

Exercice de vocabulaire anglais: les phrasal verbs

Exercice de vocabulaire en anglais gratuit à faire en ligne avec son corrigé, pour s’entraîner en classe ou à la maison de manière interactive. Ce test vous permettra d’enrichir votre lexique et d’améliorer votre maîtrise de la langue anglaise.

Tous les exercices de vocabulaire sont corrigés pour un entraînement sans besoin d’aide (Les réponses sont en bas de la page).

Complétez les phrases avec la forme correcte des phrasal verbs suivants:

  • get along
  • give away
  • step down
  • make up
  • ring back
  • find out
  • cut off
  • carry out
  • take over
  • fall over
  • give up
  • hold up
  • go off
  • make out
  • sort out

1. I have all the information that you need but I’m busy. Can I ___________ you __________ in half an hour?

2. The Prime Minister has decided to ______________________ after 10 years in office.

3. We heard the bomb ______________________ from the hotel where we checked in.

4. Large companies sometimes ______________________ smaller ones.

5. My brother and I ______________________ very well most of the time, but occasionally we do have a fight.

6. I ______________________ playing football a long time ago because of a knee injury.

7. Don’t worry, we’ll try to ______________________ the problems and find a solution for everyone.

8. That story cannot be true. You have surely ______________ it ______________ .

9. After browsing the internet for some time, we finally ______________________ where he lived.

10. I had no use for the books so I _____________ them ______________ to the library.

11. I can’t ______________________ if it’s a woman or a man, because the person is too far away.

12. The pavement is very icy so be careful you don’t ______________________ .

13. There have been a number of robberies, but up to now the police don’t know who ___________ them ______________.

14. The traffic on the motorway was ___________________ by construction work.

15. The energy company __________________ our electricity because we didn’t’ pay.



  1. I have all the information that you need but I’m busy. Can I ring you back in half an hour?
  2. The Prime Minister has decided to step down after 10 years in office.
  3. We heard the bomb go off from the hotel where we checked in.
  4. Large companies sometimes take over smaller ones.
  5. My brother and I get along very well most of the time, but occasionally we do have a fight.
  6. I gave up playing football a long time ago because of a knee injury.
  7. Don’t worry, we’ll try to sort out the problems and find a solution for everyone.
  8. That story cannot be true. You have surely made it up.
  9. After browsing the internet for some time, we finally found out where he lived.
  10. I had no use for the books so I gave them away to the library.
  11. I can’t make out if it’s a woman or a man, because the person is too far away.
  12. The pavement is very icy so be careful you don’t fall over.
  13. There have been a number of robberies, but up to now the police don’t know who carried them out.
  14. The traffic on the motorway was held up by construction work.
  15. The energy company cut off our electricity because we didn’t pay.


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