Exercice impératif anglais

Exercice impératif anglais

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You must listen to your teachers. → Listen to your teachers!
We don’t need to wait for him. → Let’s not wait for him!

Mettez les phrases suivantes à l’impératif:

1.  You must refuse to let Sam take the car.

2.  Kevin, you must not always complain.

3.  Tina, you must stop talking all the time.

4.  You are in a park, you must not walk on the grass.

5.  You mustn’t cheat.

6.  You mustn’t be late.

7.  You must pay attention.

8.  He should have a beer.

9.  We must not stop now.

10.  You must go to bed.

11.  You mustn’t stand here.

12.  She can have a drink.

13.  We must have a shower first.

14.  You can’t park in this street.

15.  They should taste this cake.

  1. Don’t let Sam take the car. 
  2. Don’t complain / Stop complaining.
  3. Stop talking all the time. 
  4. Don’t walk on the grass. 
  5. Don’t cheat / stop cheating.
  6. Don’t be late.
  7. Pay attention.
  8. Let him have a beer.
  9. Let’s not stop now / Don’t let’s stop now.
  10. Go to bed.
  11. Don’t stand here.
  12. Let her have a drink.
  13. Let’s have a shower first.
  14. Don’t park in this street.
  15. Let them taste this cake.

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