Exercice : la guerre en anglais

Exercice : la guerre en anglais

Exercice d’anglais gratuit à faire en ligne avec sa correction.

Utilisez les mots suivants pour compléter le texte:

ceasefire  |  talks | peacekeeping  |  treaty |  sides  |  deal

Three weeks after the United Nations sent a (1) force to the area, both sides in the conflict have agreed to a temporary (2) while peace (3) are held.

A UN spokesperson said that they hoped to negotiate a peace (4) in the next few days which would be acceptable to both (5) in the conflict. The official added that he was confident that a formal peace (6) could be signed before the Presidential elections take place in March.

Maintenant, complétez les phrases suivantes:

  • a. send an international force
  • b. agree to a ceasefire
  • c. hold peace
  • d. negotiate a peace
  • e. sign a formal peace

  1. peacekeeping
  2. ceasefire
  3. talks
  4. deal
  5. sides
  6. treaty
  • a. peacekeeping
  • b. temporary
  • c. talks
  • d. deal
  • e. treaty

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