Exercice anglais • la guerre

Exercice anglais • la guerre

Exercice d’anglais gratuit à faire en ligne avec sa correction.

Choisissez la fin correcte pour chaque phrase dans ces rapports de conflits récents: 

  1. The Government has decided to send in 
  2. The invasion was launched 
  3. Rebel troops claim to have taken over 
  4. Several civilians were wounded 
  5. The rebels attacked 
  6. Fighting has spread 
  7. The rebels sought 
  8. The guerrillas have agreed to release 


  1. The Government has decided to send in ground troops.
  2. The invasion was launched in the early hours of this morning.
  3. Rebel troops claim to have taken over the Government television station.
  4. Several civilians were wounded in the fighting in the city centre.
  5. The rebels attacked Government forces with grenades and missiles.
  6. Fighting has spread to neighbouring villages.
  7. The rebels sought help from their allies in neighbouring Chad.
  8. The guerrillas have agreed to release two of the hostages unharmed.

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