exercice gerondif anglais


Infinitif (avec ou sans to) ou gérondif ? Choisissez la bonne réponse:

  1. We go  every day.
  2. Let it .
  3. He dreams of  a writer.
  4. They enjoy .
  5. It is not easy  good friends.
  6. My friend is afraid of 
  7. Tina is good at .
  8. He wanted  a new video game.
  9. I am crazy about .
  10. You must  to my party.
  11. I hope  you again soon.
  12. We enjoy .
  13. He dreamt about  an artist.
  14. I’d love  another holiday in Japan.
  15. Why not  to the cinema tonight?

  1. swimming
  2. be
  3. becoming
  4. cycling
  5. to find
  6. flying
  7. reading
  8. to buy
  9. kissing
  10. come
  11. to see
  12. dancing
  13. being
  14. to spend
  15. go

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