donner ordres anglais exercice

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Complétez les phrases suivantes avec les verbes nécessaires en employant l’impératif à la forme affirmative ou négative (il peut y avoir plusieurs réponses possibles).

  1.  that TV off now! We are leaving now!
  2. We are late,  video games now.
  3. Please  this email as soon as you can.
  4.  a cup of coffee, will you?
  5. It’s raining,  an umbrella.
  6.  at me like that, will you?
  7.  your homework before going to the park!
  8.  the door! It’s freezing!
  9.  my pizza! It’s mine!
  10. You must be hungry,  a snack.
  11. Go to bed,  on the couch.
  12.  me alone! I’m scared!
  13.  to the bar together! I want to party tonight!
  14.  too fast, your car is too old.
  15. If you don’t feel well,  to school today.

  1. Turn that TV off now! We are leaving now!
  2. We are late, don’t play video games now.
  3. Please answer this email as soon as you can.
  4. Have a cup of coffee, will you?
  5. It’s raining, take an umbrella.
  6. Don’t look / Stop looking at me like that, will you?
  7. Finish your homework before going to the park!
  8. Close / Shut the door! It’s freezing!
  9. Don’t eat / Don’t touch my pizza! It’s mine!
  10. You must be hungry, take a snack.
  11. Go to bed, don’t sleep on the couch.
  12. Don’t leave me alone! I’m scared!
  13. Let’s go to the bar! I want to party tonight!
  14. Don’t drive too fast, your car is too old.
  15. If you don’t feel well, don’t go to school today.

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