Les antonymes en anglais – Exercice en ligne

Les antonymes en anglais – Exercice en ligne

Exercice d’anglais gratuit à faire en ligne avec sa correction.

Lisez chaque phrase puis remplacez le mot souligné par son antonyme parmi la liste de mots suivants:

  • full | close | old | out | slow | warm | smallest | quiet | never | float

1. Linda always finishes her homework right after school.
→ Linda never finishes her homework right after school. 

2. The cold weather will return next week.

3. That is the biggest watermelon I’ve ever seen.

4. My uncle bought a new pickup truck.

5. Come in and play with us.

6. If you drop a potato in water, it will sink.

7. My dad has a fast boat.

8. Sarah is a talkative person.

9. The milk carton in the fridge is empty

10. The store will open at nine o’clock.

  1. Tim never finishes his homework right after school.
  2. The warm weather will return next week.
  3. That is the smallest watermelon I’ve ever seen.
  4. My uncle bought an old pickup truck.
  5. Come out and play with us.
  6. If you drop a potato in water, it will float.
  7. My dad has a slow boat.
  8. Sarah is a quiet person.
  9. The milk carton in the fridge is full.
  10. The store will close at nine o’clock.

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