erreurs courantes en anglais


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Les phrases suivantes contiennent des erreurs (mots manquants ou en trop, fautes d’orthographe…). Il peut y avoir plusieurs fautes dans certaines phrases. Corrigez-les !


  • Tom is best student in the class. → Tom is the best student in the class.
  • There is some books on the table. → There is are some books on the table.
  1. She is more pretty than her cousin. →  
  2. It’s time two go! →  
  3. They’ve been married during six years. →  
  4. Me and Paul are going to the cinema. →  
  5. There is much noise here. →  
  6. Sam not like doing sport. →  
  7. We should contact they’re parents →  
  8. How many wine did you drink last night?  →  
  9. This bag is more cheap than the other one. →  
  10. How much books do you have? →  

  • She is more pretty than her cousin. → She is prettier than her cousin.
  • It’s time two go! → It’s time to go!
  • They’ve been married during six years. → They’ve been married for six years.
  • Me and Paul are going to the cinema. → Paul and I are going to the cinema.
  • There is much noise here. → There is a lot of noise here.
  • Sam not like doing sport. → Sam doesn’t like doing sport.
  • We should contact they’re parents. → We should contact their parents.
  • How many wine did you drink last night?  → How much wine did you drink last night?
  • This bag is more cheap than the other one. → This bag is cheaper than the other one.
  • How much books do you have? → How many books do you have?

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