Les articles en anglais exercices (a, an, the)
Exercice d’anglais gratuit à faire en ligne, avec son corrigé.
Choisissez l’article approprié: a, an ou the?
- He is excellent doctor.
- I need phone.
- Sam told me interesting story.
- My sister has boyfriend.
- Does his name begin with « F »?
- I watched movie last night.
- Have you seen TV show I told you about?
- I have brother.
- Right now, euro is stronger than dollar.
- He has won medal at the competion.
- Paul asked me to go to library.
- She ate whole pie.
- He travels with pair of socks and couple of shirts.
- There is knife in the drawer.
- This man is Einstein of our times.
- Do you have mp3 player?
- There is bridge over Seine in Paris.
- I will go on a cruise down Nile.
- He traveled around the world for a year.
- Put spoon on table.