vocabulaire anglais cuisine


Exercice d’anglais gratuit à faire en ligne avec sa correction.

Complétez les phrases à l’aide des mots suivants:

plate | microwave | mop | dishwasher | cutting board | blender | utensils | chair | rag | cupboard

1. Most people cut vegetables on a .

2. I’m going to make a shake in the .

3. Could you please wipe that spill with the that’s on the counter?

4. Put the dishes in the . I’ll wash them later.

5. Put an extra on the table. My brother is bringing his girlfriend.

6. P1: We don’t have enough for everyone. P2: That’s OK, we’ll share a fork.

7. Put the popcorn in the and set it to 4 minutes.

8. Make sure you the floor before dinner. This kitchen is filthy!

9. The cans of food are all in the .

10. Get a from the living room for your mom to sit on.


  1. Most people cut vegetables on a cutting board.
  2. I’m going to make a shake in the blender.
  3. Could you please wipe that spill with the rag that’s on the counter?
  4. Put the dishes in the dishwasher. I’ll wash them later.
  5. Put an extra plate on the table. My brother is bringing his girlfriend.
  6. P1: We don’t have enough utensils for everyone. P2: That’s OK, we’ll share a fork.
  7. Put the popcorn in the microwave and set it to 4 minutes. 
  8. Make sure you mop the floor before dinner. This kitchen is filthy!
  9. The cans of food are all in the cupboard.
  10. Get a chair from the living room for your mom to sit on.

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