Exercice verbes à particules anglais

Exercice de vocabulaire anglais: les phrasal verbs

Exercice de vocabulaire en anglais gratuit à faire en ligne avec son corrigé, pour s’entraîner en classe ou à la maison de manière interactive. Ce test vous permettra d’enrichir votre lexique et d’améliorer votre maîtrise de la langue anglaise.

Tous les exercices de vocabulaire sont corrigés pour un entraînement sans besoin d’aide (Les réponses sont en bas de la page).

Remplacez le mot souligné par le phrasal verb synonyme:

Remplacez le mot souligné par le phrasal verb synonyme:

1. He supported his friend’s claim.

a) backed off  
b) backed up  
c) backed down  

2. The police could not produce any evidence that would substantiate the charge of murder.

a) bear down  
b) bear out  
c) bear off  

3. I want to sell my old car and buy a new one.

a) dispose of  
b) dispose off  
c) dispose with  

4. During her prolonged battle with illness she often desired death.

a) longed for  
b) longed out  

5. Athletes from our district won many medals at the national sports meet.

a) bore away  
b) bore down  
c) bore out  

6. The leader has been able to crush all opposition.

a) bear down  
b) bear out  
c) bear up  

7. He stopped suddenly in the middle of his story.

a) broke down  
b) broke off  
c) broke into  

8. His folly has caused his ruin.

a) brought about  
b) brought forward  
c) brought out  

9. He found great difficulty in converting her to his views.

a) bringing her round  
b) bringing her out  
c) bringing her up  

10. His passion deprived him of his self-control.

a) carried him out  
b) carried him away  
c) carried him on  


1. He backed up his friend’s claim.
2. The police could not produce any evidence that would bear out the charge of murder.
3. I want to dispose of my old car and buy a new one.
4. During her prolonged battle with illness she often longed for death.
5. Athletes from our district bore away many medals at the national sports meet.
6. The leader has been able to bear down all opposition.
7. He broke off suddenly in the middle of his story.
8. His folly has brought about his ruin.
9. He found great difficulty in bringing her round to his views.
10. His passion carried him away.

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