Exercice phrasal verbs anglais | Exercices-anglais.com

Exercice de vocabulaire anglais: les phrasal verbs

Exercice de vocabulaire en anglais gratuit à faire en ligne avec son corrigé, pour s’entraîner en classe ou à la maison de manière interactive. Ce test vous permettra d’enrichir votre lexique et d’améliorer votre maîtrise de la langue anglaise.

Tous les exercices de vocabulaire sont corrigés pour un entraînement sans besoin d’aide (Les réponses sont en bas de la page).

Complétez les phrases. Il y a plusieurs réponses possibles: choisissez la meilleure

  1. This scandal will not blow ___________ ( = pass/stop causing problems) any time soon. People will remember this for many years.
    a) up
    b) under
    c) over
  2. I was ___________ by her performance. ( = very impressed)
    a) blown in
    b) blown out
    c) blown away
  3. My car ___________ ( = stopped running) on the way to work.
    a) broke down
    b) stopped down
    c) ran down
  4. The inmates ___________ ( = escaped) last night.
    a) broke out
    b) ran into
    c) broke away
  5. P1: Hey do you want to go out?
    P2: No, let’s stay ___________.
    a) at
    b) in
    c) up
  6. How late do you let your son stay ___________ ( = not go to bed) on weekdays?
    a) in
    b) by
    c) up
  7. If you “give something away”, does this mean you’re selling it?
    a) no – it means that you’re giving it for free
    b) yes
  8. P1: Are you still engaged to Susan?
    P2: No, we ___________ off the engagement last month. ( = we are no longer engaged)
    a) broke
    b) gave
    c) blew
  9. They invited us for dinner, but we ___________ them off. ( = We said no This term has a negative connotation, like you don’t care enough to do something)
    a) threw
    b) blew
    c) grew
  10. Don’t ___________ me off. ( = Don’t make me lose my focus/concentration)
    a) throw
    b) blow
    c) grow


  1. This scandal will not blow over any time soon. People will remember this for many years.
  2. I was blown away by her performance.
  3. My car broke down on the way to work.
  4. The inmates broke out last night.
  5. P1: Hey do you want to go out?
    P2: No, let’s stay in.
  6. How late do you let your son stay up on weekdays?
  7. If you “give something away”, does this mean you’re selling it?
  8. P1: Are you still engaged to Susan?
    P2: No, we broke off the engagement last month.
  9. They invited us for dinner, but we blew them off.
  10. Don’t blow me off.


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