Anglais amitié vocabulaire (test en ligne)

Anglais amitié vocabulaire (test en ligne)

Exercice d’anglais gratuit à faire en ligne, avec son corrigé.

Faites correspondre les débuts et les fins de phrases:

1. I didn’t like Linda at first but now we get on 

2. We live in different towns now but we still try to see 

3. Tom and I get on very well. We’ve got so much 

4. Sarah’s my best friend. I know I can always rely on 

5. Even if we move to different countries, we’d always stay 

6. Paul and I do everything together. We really enjoy 

7. I think we’re friends because we come from 

8. l’ve known Tina since we were at school. We go back 

  1. I didn’t like Linda at first but now we get on very well.
  2. We live in different towns now but we still try to see each other whenever we can.
  3. Tom and I get on very well. We’ve got so much in common.
  4. Sarah’s my best friend. I know I can always rely on her.
  5. Even if we move to different countries, we’d always stay in touch.
  6. Paul and I do everything together. We really enjoy each other’s company.
  7. I think we’re friends because we come from similar backgrounds.
  8. l’ve known Tina since we were at school. We go back a long way.

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