Les préfixes en anglais | Exercice en ligne 📝

Exercice de vocabulaire anglais: Les préfixes

Exercice de vocabulaire en anglais gratuit Ă  faire en ligne avec son corrigĂ©, pour s’entraĂ®ner en classe ou Ă  la maison de manière interactive. Ce test vous permettra d’enrichir votre lexique et d’amĂ©liorer votre maĂ®trise de la langue anglaise.

Tous les exercices de vocabulaire sont corrigĂ©s pour un entraĂ®nement sans besoin d’aide (Les rĂ©ponses sont en bas de la page).

Ajoutez les préfixes dis-, non-, et super à la liste de mots ci-dessous:

1. Mom goes to the market each Saturday.
2. The teacher agreed with Alex’s answer.
3. My dad is now a -smoker.
4. The rabbits appear when we get too close.
5. Small children should never use glue for craft work.
6. The students had to run -stop around the track.
7. A tanker carries many tons of cargo across the oceans.
8. Caleb’s bed caused him a lot of comfort.
9. You can eat these mushrooms because they are -toxic.

1. Mom goes to the supermarket each Saturday.
2. The teacher disagreed with Alex’s answer.
3. My dad is now a non-smoker.
4. The rabbits disappear when we get too close.
5. Small children should never use superglue for craft work.
6. The students had to run non-stop around the track.
7. A supertanker carries many tons of cargo across the oceans.
8. Caleb’s bed caused him a lot of discomfort.
9. You can eat these mushrooms because they are non-toxic.


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