les modaux en anglais 6b

Choisir le modal qui convient:

1 – I have no idea about computers, but Paul  help you.
could / might be able to / would

2 – I had some problems repairing my computer by myself, but in the end I  do it without help.
could / was able to

3 – The restaurant was full. I  find a seat anywhere.
couldn’t / wasn’t able to

4 – You  told me it was Tina’s birthday. I would have bought her a present.
might have / must have / would have

5 – Do you think we  take photos inside the museum?
are allowed to / may

6 – Don’t call her now. She  have finished work yet.
might not / should not / would not

7 – It  be easy for Linda. She lost her job last month.
can’t / mustn’t / shouldn’t / wouldn’t

8 – Where is Lea now? – She  late. She has a important report to finish.
might be working / might work / must work / could work

9 – She’s in hospital with a head injury. She  wearing her seatbelt!
can’t have been / could be / must have been / would have been

10 – How are things? – Not bad. They  worse!
could be / could have been / would be

11 – The test starts at 9.30. You  be here until 9.15, but you can come earlier if you want.
mustn’t / needn’t

12 – You  tell me what she said. I really want to know.
have to / must

13 – Dad said that you  let me use your bike.
have to / must

14 – Why were you late? You  be here at 20.00!
should / ought to / were supposed to

15 – There was so much rain that I  see the road!
couldn’t / wasn’t able to


  1. might be able to
  2. was able to
  3. couldn’t
  4. might have
  5. are allowed to
  6. might not
  7. can’t
  8. might be working
  9. can’t have been
  10. could be
  11. needn’t
  12. must
  13. have to
  14. were supposed to
  15. couldn’t

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