Exercices vocabulaire anglais: la religion

Exercices vocabulaire anglais: la religion

Exercice d’anglais gratuit à faire en ligne avec sa correction.

Complétez le texte avec les mots suivants:

Jews | Islam | Hindus | Catholics | Christianity | Buddhism

The main religious tradition in the West is . Among mainstream Christian churches are: Anglicans, Baptists, Methodists, Roman  and Orthodox. Others are: Free, Evangelical, Lutheran and Reformed.

In countries such as Thailand and japan, the main tradition is .

In the Arab countries of the Middle East, the main tradition is , whose followers are called Muslims.

The  have spread all over the world from Israel.

Sikhs and  come mostly from India.

  1. Christianity
  2. Catholics
  3. Buddhism
  4. Islam
  5. Jews
  6. Hindus

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