Exercices débutant anglais: les erreurs fréquentes à éviter (1/3)

Exercices débutant anglais: les erreurs fréquentes

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Les phrases suivantes contiennent des erreurs (mots manquants ou en trop, fautes d’orthographe…). Il peut y avoir plusieurs fautes dans certaines phrases. Corrigez-les !


  • Tom is best student in the class. → Tom is the best student in the class.
  • There is some books on the table. → There is are some books on the table.
  1. He have a computer. → 
  2. He has 28 years old. → 
  3. Your funny! → 
  4. Paul playing tennis now. →  
  5. Probably he likes italian food. →  
  6. What you are watching now? →  
  7. Its raining outside. →  
  8. Can we use there car? →  
  9. Do you like her? No, I don’t like. →  
  10. I’m afraid to the sea. → 
  11. I’m a lawyer. So do I. → 
  12. She goes every day to the school. → 
  13. Do you have a bike? Yes, I have. → 
  14. Where your parents live? → 
  15. Is very sunny today. → 

  1. He have a computer. →  He has a computer.
  2. He has 28 years old. →  He is 28 years old.
  3. Your funny! →  You’re funny!
  4. Paul playing tennis now.  Paul is playing tennis now.
  5. Probably he likes italian food. →  He probably likes italian food.
  6. What you are watching now? →  What are you watching now?
  7. Its raining outside. →  It’s raining outside
  8. Can we use there car? →  Can we use their car?
  9. Do you like her? No, I don’t like. →  Do you like her? No, I don’t like her.
  10. I’m afraid to the sea. →  I’m afraid of the sea.
  11. I’m a lawyer; So do I. →  I’m a lawyer; So am I.
  12. She goes every day to the school.She goes to school every day.
  13. Do you have a bike? Yes, I have. →  Do you have a bike? Yes, I do.
  14. Where your parents live? →  Where does your parents live?
  15. Is very sunny today. →  It is very sunny today.

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