Exercice temps anglais: le present simple

Exercice temps anglais: le present simple

Voici trois exercices sur les temps en anglais pour vous entraîner sur le present simple: formes des verbes, questions et négation.

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Mettez le verbe entre parenthèses à la forme correcte au present simple:

  1. She (live)  in Italy.
  2. Where (she/live) ?
  3. John (stay)  at home at night.
  4. Our baby always (cry)  at night.
  5. Linda always (pay)  her bills on time.
  6. Wendy always (buy)  new shoes.
  7. Where (they/go) ?
  8. How often (you/travel)  abroad?
  9. Pete (have)  two cats and a fish.
  10. Chris (enjoy)  good food.
  11. He (fly)  a plane.
  12. Ms. Smith (teach)  math.
  13. Freddy (fix)  his breakfast every morning.
  14. Paul often (watch)  TV at night.
  15. Conor always (kiss)  his children good night.
  16. Bridget (speak)  six languages.
  17. They all (speak)  three languages.
  18. I (not/like)  travelling.
  19. I (love)  you.
  20. This (weigh)  20 kilograms.
  21. Amanda (seem)  serious.
  22. We (like)  bananas.
  23. The girl (want)  to play.
  24. You (need)  to sleep.
  25. They (agree)  with me.
  26. She (hear)  something strange.
  27. The box (contain)  food.
  28. Sally (look)  sad.
  29. Arnold (know)  how to fix a car.
  30. Ken and Samantha (seem)  happy.
  31. This (smell)  nice.
  32. I (not/believe)  you.
  33. We (be)  the champions!


Reliez les deux parties pour former une phrase correcte:

• I                                              • plays tennis.

• Rafael Nadal                      • usually like video games.

• Lady Gaga                            • eat at the university.

• Teenagers                             • like tennis.

• Girls                                       • sings very well.

• The students                        • usually like shopping.


Complétez les phrases suivantes avec les verbes à la forme correcte:

wake(s) up  /  open(s) / speak(s) / take(s) / do(es) / cause(s) / live(s) / play(s) / close(s) / drink(s)

  • Ann  hand ball very well.
  • I never  tea.
  • The library  at 8:00 in the morning.
  • It  at 10:00 in the evening.
  • Bad driving  many accidents.
  • My parents  in a very big house.
  • The Olympic Games  place every four years.
  • They are good students. They always  their homework.
  • My students  a little Japanese.
  • I always  early in the morning.



  1. lives
  2. does she live
  3. stays
  4. cries
  5. pays
  6. buys
  7. do they go
  8. do you travel
  9. has
  10. enjoys
  11. flies
  12. teaches
  13. fixes
  14. watches
  15. kisses
  16. speaks
  17. speak
  18. don’t like/do not like
  19. love
  20. wheighs
  21. seems
  22. like
  23. wants
  24. need
  25. agree
  26. hears
  27. contains
  28. looks
  29. knows
  30. seem
  31. smells
  32. don’t believe
  33. are


  • I like tennis.
  • Rafael Nadal plays tennis.
  • Lady Gaga sings very well.
  • Teenagers usually like video games.
  • Girls usually like shopping.
  • The students eat at the university.


  • Ann plays hand ball very well.
  • I never drink tea.
  • The library opens at 8:00 in the morning.
  • It closes at 10:00 in the evening.
  • Bad driving causes many accidents.
  • My parents live in a very big house.
  • The Olympic Games take place every four years.
  • They are good students. They always do their homework.
  • My students speak a little Japanese.
  • I always wake up early in the morning.

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